Hi, I'm Kunal

I am a Web Developer. Crafting Seamless Front-End Experiences

Transforming ideas into visually stunning and intuitive web interfaces and Passionate about creating beautiful user experiences with the latest web technologies. Let's bring your projects to life!

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My Skills

My Expertise


Building interactive and dynamic web applications.


Building server-side rendered and statically generated React applications.

UI Libraries

Experience with various UI libraries and component ecosystems.


Styling web applications with the power of SASS preprocessor.

Tailwind CSS

Utilizing utility-first CSS framework for efficient styling.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Kunal

I'm a web developer specializing in front-end technologies with a diverse set of skills and experiences. My journey in web development has been enriched by working with various tools and frameworks.

I am well-versed in building responsive and accessible user interfaces using Chakra UI and Material-UI. My proficiency extends to collaborating with design teams, where I leverage tools like Figma and Canva to bring creative concepts to life.

In addition, I am comfortable working in a Linux environment, ensuring smooth development workflows. I am always eager to explore new technologies and frameworks to enhance my skills and deliver high-quality web applications.

Recent Projects

My Portfolio



Natours is a nature tour packages website, providing a platform for users to explore and book various nature tours.

Asva Ventures

Asva Ventures

Asva Ventures is a web 3 related platform that explores the latest advancements in web technologies.

News Monkey

News Monkey

News Monkey is a comprehensive news platform that delivers the latest and most relevant news to its users.


Explore My Recent Blogs

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Demystifying Blockchain: A Concise Introduction And Easy-to-Understand Guide

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Web Development Evolution: Tracing the Historical Milestones

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Simplified Guide to Big O Notation: Making Algorithms Easier to Understand

Get In Touch

Contact Me

If you have any questions, project inquiries, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help and excited to connect with you!

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